3 Year Olds

Ages 3-4

Our 3 year old class is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am - 11:30am. The 3 year old class is for children who are 3 years old by December 1st. In our 3 year old program, students are introduced to school in a loving, caring, warm, safe and fun environment. Our 3 year olds will learn through play and hands-on experiences. Students participate in a morning greeting, circle time, and learning centers. We also have outside playtime, music, arts and crafts as well as sensory centers. Lakeside teachers encourage our students to be independent and confident and we help them learn to navigate social situations outside of the home.

Weekly themes

Our program focuses on a weekly or bi-weekly theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate each coming week.

Hands-on activities

Our activities are designed to keep your child engaged, whether it’s learning how to recognize their name or singing a song about the weather.

Engage their
growing curiosity


Pre-Kindergarten - 4/5 Year Old Class